DB Asphalt Facts

At DB Asphalt we want to keep you informed and fight misinformation around our project. Below you will find factual information about our relationship with regulatory and government agencies that have helped us achieve optimal compliance in the plant and its functions.

Information relevant to the public

Determination of Natural Resources Department

About the environment, the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) evaluated the property from various points of view.

  • Natural Habitat – determined that it is a natural habitat with low potential to become an essential habitat of high ecological value or of ecological value.
  • Carso area – issued a “Authorization in the Karst Physiography, Karst Restricted Area and its Buffer Zone”which required a green strip of 35 meters from the cadastral limit of the property and 47 meters from the limit of the restricted zone of the karst, and in it the planting of a live hedge with native trees of Puerto Rico
  • Solid waste management – ​​recommended management programs during the construction phase, and the operation phase
  • Environmental quality – issued recommendations to be processed and operated
  • The Archeology and Ethnohistory Program of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture concluded that the probabilities of impacting an archaeological resource are minimal


  • Determination of Environmental Assessment (2022-438233-DEA-009088)
  • Construction Permit (2022-438233-PCOC-029741)
  • Use Permit (2022-438233-PU-191727)

What is the qualification of the property where the DB Asphalt asphalt plant is located?

On land, located in an industrial park with intense activity and where important Puerto Rican companies currently operate, it has several qualifications, including: Heavy Industrial (IP, 72%), Forest (B-Q, 26%), and General Facilities District (DT-G , 2%).

Is the plant located within the Carso Forest?

No. Specifically, the plant is located on a 9-cuerda property that borders the Carso Buffer Zone. For this reason, the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNRA), which is the agency in charge of implementing environmental public policy and ensuring compliance, recommended that we maintain a distance of at least 35 meters from the cadastral line, where some elements of the project, in accordance with current laws and regulations, including the Carso Regulations.

Is it true that the plant is harming the environment, sensitive ecosystems and other natural resources in the area?

No. DB Asphalt has been very rigorous and has made all the consultations and evaluations required by the current laws and regulations and has followed the recommendations made by the regulatory agencies. In addition, the company has invested significant resources in the acquisition of a completely new plant with advanced technology and systems to increase efficiency and reduce the environmental footprint.

Why did you decide to locate the plant on the Luchetti Industrial Park property?

The property in the Luchetti Industrial Park in the municipality of Bayamón was chosen for several reasons:

  • It has a Heavy Industrial qualification, which allows the most intense industrial activities
  • It is in an area already impacted by other industries
  • A few years ago, a quarry was located there
  • It is separated from urbanizations and schools
  • It is a good industrial location in the metropolitan area with access to main roads, and it has modern and efficient facilities.

What relationship does DB Asphalt have with the location consultation process that is being carried out in Guaynabo to install an asphalt plant in said municipality?

DB Asphalt withdrew from the siting process in Guaynabo several months ago. Currently, the company’s resources and attention are focused on the Bayamón plant, and it has no intention of installing another plant in the metropolitan area in the immediate future.

Share your concerns

If you still have questions about the plant and its operation, our communications team will be able to provide you with more information. 

    How to contact us

    PMB 471 PO BOX 2500
    Toa Baja, PR 00951-2500
    (787) 795-2840

    DB Asphalt Location